Previous posts
Do I Matter?
That old question came back to me today: Do I matter? Why am I here? Is there a reason for this life of mine? It's not a question rooted in anxiety or depression today, but rather is rooted in a perspective of looking back, reflecting on what has been so far. This...
Film Review: CLUTTER
I was fortunate to get the opportunity to attend the world premiere of Paul Marcarelli's new film, Clutter. Here's my review of the film. After the world premiere screening, Paul Marcarelli, the screenwriter of Clutter, shared with the audience in Seattle that he...
Embracing a New Perspective
It's been a while since I've posted on here Today, I thought that it might be helpful to share a bit of what's going on in my life. Fortunately, it's not a bad thing. That said, it involves an element of change that I'm finding tough: embracing a new perspective...
An Open Letter to Mental Health Providers
To Whom It May Concern: Recently, it has come to my attention that many of you have been contacted or seen a patient whose parent is a hoarder. Shockingly, I keep hearing that there are still mental health providers who are treating clients with hoarding despite very...
Not Your Average Drama Queen
Last night I had a short conversation with another adult child who was having a rough evening. The need to express herself was not out of the ordinary, but she needed someone who could listen, validate her right to have the feelings she was having, and encouraging her...
Setting Boundaries
"Setting Boundaries" is the topic of many discussions I've had with people over the last year. As a result of my family's story being public, lots of people ask me how I've come to set boundaries with my PWH. For example, they want to know if it is easy, how to do it,...
Writing as Healing
I am going to share something that I wrote on the plane when I flew into DC for the first time last August. I didn't really know what my mother's medical condition was, or the condition of her home. Often, I turn to writing as a form of coping or healing. Somehow,...
Do I hoard?
After revealing that my mother has hoarding disorder and that she was once featured on the show Hoarders, I almost inevitably get asked: Do you a hoard too? My response is simple: No. My house is not perfect, but it is a long way from ever being considered overly...
About me
Today is the day I choose to take a stand for myself. *laughing* That almost sounds as though I am spineless and that I lay down and become a doormat whenever anything comes against me. That's not entirely true. But, it's not entirely untrue either. My name is Ceci. I...

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