Despite some initial fear and trepidation, I launched my professional website and the free workbook I created on Monday. The result? Eight downloads! On Monday alone, eight individuals took advantage of this free workbook. Eight people found a resource to help them consider the choice to take on the various issues that may arise as they help a parent who hoards (PWH).
Why Eight Matters
For those who’ve grown up with a PWH, there are currently very few resources that consider our experiences and needs. Few studies have focused specifically on the children who grew up with a PWH. Frustratingly, little professional focus has turned to acknowledge what our experiences may have been like. We feel invisible.
Yet, there are a lot of us here.
If hoarding disorder impacts 3-5% of the population, or approximately 15 million Americans, the number of children who’ve grown up amidst the clutter piles created by a PWH is likely very large also. Consequently, the number of adults anxiously awaiting the day when their PWH goes into crisis is much larger than eight. Much, much larger.
Since change typically starts small, let’s celebrate EIGHT. Ultimately, the eight folks that were helped by downloading the free workbook on Monday are on the verge of something new.
They are beginning to feel heard, to have their challenges seen and addressed.
What a win!?! Eight downloads of the workbook means that eight people now have a tool in their hands to help them find a voice and make better decisions.
THAT is so exciting! Thank you.

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